Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Blogiversary, Being Thankful & Beyond

I fell into blogging a little haphazardly.  I had been following DIY and petite blogs with great interest and decided to start one of my own with a primary focus on sewing.  I wanted to name it SewInspired - chronicling my DIY inspirations and the way I went about making my own version.  My plans changed when I found out that name was already taken.  I decided to broaden my blog a little bit to incorporate the fitting room reviews I loved reading and thus SewPetiteGal was born.  (And in case anyone was curious, I didn't intend for "SewPetiteGal" to indicate I am "so petite."  I was aiming more for sewing + being short.  My husband bluntly pointed out that I'm not so little and obviously much larger than most of the petite blogging community.  My fault for the ill-conceived name!

Anyhoo, fast forward a little over 2 years and here we are.  Thank you so much for taking the time out of your day to come visit my little blog.  Thanks x 100 to those who comment because I really do love hearing from you.  Your advice, pointers, and constructive criticism have helped me grow as a DIY'er.  I wanted to take a little time here to show some love to some special folks:
  • Jean - For being one of my first followers and welcoming me to the blogging community with kindness and advice.  And more recently, for offering to critique my prototype peplum skirt, giving me invaluable feedback, featuring it on her blog and making me feel like I could play "fashion designer" with my little Etsy store :)
  • Cee - for being my preppy / layering inspiration and wearing my scarf so well that a reader requested one in the middle of summer!
  • Aubrey - for sharing my love of all things nautical, answering all of my tedious Twitter requests for DIY input, and keeping me LOLing with your humor.  
  • Gigi - your blog is ridiculously awesome at keeping me up to date on one of my favorite subjects - shopping
And finally, this blog focuses on 2 of my hobbies: DIYs and shopping.  I'm thinking of pulling in a 3rd hobby, and quite possibly, my favorite one: food.  I started a little food blog on the side and am now pondering integrating it here or keeping it separate.  What do you think?

I'm ending this post with a picture of my precious little girl with a giant cup of bubble tea (Tiger Milk Tea specifically), because every post should have a picture of some sort :)

Happy Thanksgiving!!!


  1. Happy Thanksgiving! Your daughter is beautiful, and I cannot believe how quickly she has grown up. I remember when you were expecting! I would love to see your third hobby of food incorporated into your blog.

  2. Happy anniversary! Your daughter is soooo cute! I would love to read your food blog as well.

  3. Happy blogiversary! I love reading your dressing rooms reviews and your DIYs are always so creative and inspiring. Of course I would love to read your posts on food too! Your daughter is so cute. I hope you have a very wonderful Thanksgiving! :)

    xo, Yi-chia
    Always Maylee

  4. Hi S!

    Has it been 2 years already? Just like you, my blogging experience has been pretty positive. I am glad that I have had a chance to meet you in person before you move away. I enjoy your blog and admire your sewing skills. It’s fun to buy new stuff all the time but we don't have an unlimited budget to do so. I always appreciate bloggers who could give readers tips and ideas on how to dress for success without breaking the bank.

    My family and I are planning to visit CA next summer. I’d love to meet up with you, A and the kids again (and of course with Ping too). I look forward to reading your posts on food. Although, I am so jealous of all the wonderful food you get to try. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!

    1. Would LOVE to see you again! Yes, please let us know when you're coming and we can plan some good eats ;)

  5. Congrats on 2 years! What a successful run! Tks for the shoutout and I'm glad to support your blog :). My readers also love your comments and find your blog inspiring! I say combine your food blog with this one. It's similar advice you gave me when I was considering combining my family and photo blog a while back. Blog whatever you wish, blog what is you! Plus, now when I see people with two blogs, I tend to only follow one of them. Just makes life easier. Congrats again girl! Much success to you in the future!

  6. Oh, and one last thing, she's so cute drinking her milk tea! I'm afraid to let J drink milk tea. He already drinks enough sugary juice anyways ;)

  7. Congratulations on two years S! I've enjoyed every post you've written and can't wait for more! :)

    And bring on the food posts...!

  8. Has it really been two years? Time sure flies, doesn't it? Congrats on the two years, S! I always enjoy reading your posts and can't wait for more to come. Please share your food posts as well! I'd love to read them!

  9. moi?! giggles, i feel so spesh-al.

    talking about food, dont' forget to DM me your address so i can send you those bread crumbs for zee holiday!

  10. Congrats, and thank you for all you share with us. Every interaction we've had has been so pleasant, and I'm sure glad I found your blog all those months ago. I hope you are getting settled and here's to many more years of this blog!

  11. Yay, happy 2 years, S! It's been great knowing you on the web, and hopefully one day soon, in person too :)

    My goodness, the bubble tea is as big as E's head! Starting 'em young, I wholeheartedly approve, muahaha.

    I say why not, combine your food blog with SPG. I've enjoyed your exercise posts, so why not branch out?

    Happy Thanksgiving to you and your fam!

  12. Happy thanksgiving to you and your family and congrats on the blogiversary! I love seeing all your DIYs - so talented :) and I would love to see food incorporated in your blog :) Fashion + food = happy reader :)

  13. I have enjoyed your blog long before I started commenting - it's informative, creative, and refreshingly unpretentious! Thanks for your kind words on my blog as well, and Happy Thanksgiving to you! :)

  14. Happy Blogiversary! Love reading your blog. :)

  15. Congratulations on two years. Looking forward to many more posts of DIY from you. :)

  16. Congratulations on your 2nd bloganniversary! Such an honer you mentioned me in your post :) Your DIY post is always one of my favorite!

    I'll enjoy your food posts as much as your DIY & shopping posts, so I'm for combining food post in your blog.

    Happy Thanksgiving! Hope you and your family will have a great one!

  17. happy 2 year blog anniversary! time sure flies by doesn't it? congrats on having a wonderful dynamic memory book that you can share with your little ones when they're not so little anymore. happy thanksgiving!

  18. A big YES to the food addition!! :) And a happy 2 years!!

  19. Happy Blogiversary to you, SPG! Although I don't get to read and comment as much as I'd like to, I always enjoy your blog and your beautiful DIY creations. I am so impressed with your creativity and talent. Cheers to you and your lovely blog!

  20. congrats on 2 years! i've been adding more and more food blogs to my feed (haha, feed... my mind is so lame). two of my favorites are the picky eater. oh, and your little girl is too cute!!

    1. Thanks Amber and LOL on the feed - will def. check out those links!

  21. Congrats on the 2 years! I love visiting your blog for DIY, dressing room reviews and most importantly seeingnpics of your little ones! I hope you have a great thanksgiving with your family!

    I'm due in 2 weeks :)

  22. congratulations on your blogiversary!!! i'm so so honoured to be on your list! :happy dances: your daughter is adorable with her bubble tea. i love your blog and can't wait to see what you post every time, no matter what it is!!

    i hope you are having a great thanksgiving!! xox P

  23. Happy Thanksgiving and congratulations on the 2 years. I have been MIA from the blogosphere and hope to get back soon. I always look forward to your blog post and can't wait to catch up on your DIY. Your daughter is so adorable. Please bring on the food blog.

  24. Happy Anniversary!! Your little girl is super adorable! Love visiting your blog for your mad sewing skills and reviews!

  25. Happy 2 years! YES to the food blogging! Your daughter is SO CUTE!! I'm dying over her preciousness!


  26. Happy bloggingversary! I'm thankful for finding your blog too! Your DIY are always amazing, love your reviews on deals, and you have the cutest kid pics! Reading your blog always makes me happy:)

  27. I love that you're not 'SO petite.' It helps that you're around my size. I'm 5'2", so it helps me a lot to know what works for you and what doesn't. and your daughter couldn't be any cuter if she tried =]

  28. HI SPG!! Congrats again on your blog anniversary!! I am in awe of your DIY talents and I would love to read about your food posts too!! :D I feel so honored to be mentioned in your post and the picture of your daughter is beyond cute! Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving with your family! xoxo, Phoebe!

  29. Two years of blogging is such an accomplishment, especially when a mom of two! I love your blog. Though I follow many petite bloggers (you and Jean being one of the most regular ones), I often find myself having to temper the reviews of those petite bloggers since I'm not that tiny (though short).

    I love that you talk about hiding the post baby tummy, which I have. And, your DIY is nothing short of inspirational. I just ordered my first sewing machine and am going to start altering up things. I think my first task will be a sweater that doesn't fit well and turn it into a cardigan, just like your tutorial.

    Congratulations. Do post some foodie items too, especially now that you are in the Bay Area. I'd love to see you try out and many replicate delicious things.

    1. Thank you for all your kindness, Janki! Ah, post-baby bellies, so tough to get rid of, but I'm still hopeful :)

  30. Happy blogiversary! Love your blog and thanks for all of your many sewing inspiration! I wouldn't mind if you started talking about food either! =)

  31. THANK YOU to all you lovely ladies for your incredibly sweet and touching comments! You mean the world to me and I'm constantly flabbergasted by all the kindness I've encountered over the web [[[HUGS]]]


I'm the type of gal who gets giddy when I receive mail - it's no different with comments! I really appreciate the feedback and love hearing from you :)