Sunday, November 24, 2013

Mom's Kitchen: Baked Pork Chop Rice

My Mother is amazing and among her many talents, she is also a fantastic cook.  I learned to sew from her and now I'm hoping to expand my skills in the cooking arena.  Perhaps you'd be interested in joining me in this journey as well? :)

Baked Pork Chop Rice

Prep Time: 30 minutes + marinate overnight

Cook Time: 45 minutes

Due to the number of pictures, please see rest of the recipe after the jump.

  • Pork Prep and Marinade
    • 1/2" thick deboned pork chops
    • Water (enough to soak all your meat)
    • 1 tbsp minced garlic
    • Salt and pepper to taste
    • 1/2 tbsp corn starch
    • 1/2 tbsp oil
  • Rice Prep 
    • 2 cups cooked rice
    • Oil
    • 1 tbsp minced garlic
    • 1 tsp chicken bouillon mixed in 1/4 cup water
    • Salt and pepper to taste
  • Gravy
    • 1 tsp chicken bouillon
    • 1 tbsp minced garlic - we love garlic so please feel free to adjust this to your taste
    • 1 cup water
    • 1 tbsp corn starch 
    • Dash of soy sauce
    • Salt and pepper to taste
  • (optional) Sprinkling of chopped green onions


    Pork Chop Prep 
    1. Tenderize each side of the pork chops with a mallet
    2. Mix your marinade ingredients together and toss in your pork chops
    3. Marinate overnight
    Rice Prep
    1. On medium-low heat, add a little bit of oil into your wok and allow it to get hot
    2. Add garlic into the oil and cook ~1 minute
    3. Add your chicken bouillon and water mixture
    4. Stir
    5. Add cooked rice, salt, and pepper
    6. Mix well
    7. Put rice into your glass baking dish
    Pork Chop Cooking
    1. On high heat, add a little bit of oil into your wok and allow it to get hot
    2. Add your pork chops
    3. Sear each side for 5-6 minutes (drain any juices that come out in the cooking process to get a nice brown color on each side)
    4. Layer pork chops onto rice in dish evenly
    Drain these juices to brown each side

    After searing each side for 5-6 minutes, they should look like this

    1. On medium heat, add a little bit of oil into your wok and allow it to get hot
    2. Add your garlic and cook ~1 minute
    3. Add water and chicken bouillon (or chicken broth in lieu of water and bouillon)
    4. Add a dash of soy sauce for color
    5. Add salt and pepper to taste
    6. In a separate bowl, mix corn starch in water.  Set aside.
    7. Allow liquid to boil
    8. While stirring briskly, slowly add your corn starch / water mixture until you achieve the gravy thickness you like
    9. Pour gravy over the pork chops and rice 
    Garlic and oil

    After water and bouillon addition

    After adding seasonings

    Stirring the corn starch mixture in to thicken

    1. Bake at 400 degrees for 10 minutes
    2. Sprinkle green onions on top
    Baked Pork Chop Rice along w/ the rest of our dishes - Ma Po Tofu and Veggies in Garlic Sauce

    Happy eating!  To all who celebrate Thanksgiving in the US, have a wonderful holiday!


    1. *drooling*!!! this looks absolutely delicious. I'm sending this recipe to the bf asap. hahahaha!

    2. Thanks for sharing, S! I am drooling. Will try to make it this weekend.

      1. Oh Sydney, you should share your Mom's recipes too! They always look delicious!

    3. I just had lunch, but this looks SO good... I want it now! Saving it for future reference. : )

    4. Replies
      1. Thanks Yi-chia! Hope the pregnancy is going smoothly!

    5. That looks so good! Can I ask what kind of region this dish is from?

      1. Thanks! The idea comes from Hong Kong style baked pork chop rices. The traditional sauces are tomato or curry, but Mom mixes it up from time to time bc we love them all :)

    6. OMG this looks AMAZING! but also like a lot of work (I'm very bad at cooking...I basically only make fried rice and stirfrys that consist of like 3 veggie ingredients at most haha). I'd imagine this means you had a wonderful and yummy thanksgiving with your family :)

      1. LOL, I only cook to survive - i.e. very carb-laden and a handful of ingredients. Am hoping to learn more from Mom though :) Hope you had a fantastic Thanksgiving weekend!

    7. Thank you so much for this recipe. I tried it tonight and it was fantastic. Next time I am going to cook the rice the night before so it doesn't get too mushy. Wonderful recipe, please share more of your mom's delicious cooking!

      1. Hi Jenny - thanks so much for coming back and sharing! My mom LOVED hearing that :) I'll definitely be sharing more in future posts.


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