Monday, May 13, 2013

Mother's Day Eats & My Favorite Kiddo Moments

I meant to post this ON Mother's Day and wish everyone a happy holiday, but didn't get a chance to finish.  So I hope every mother had a wonderful day and every kid found a way to share their love with the mother figures in their lives.

Mother's Day will always have a special place in my heart because my son (and firstborn) was born on Mother's Day 2009.  I remember lamenting (I lamented A LOT when pregnant, I was one cranky preggo lady) in early May that since our son was due 5/28, I'd have to wait a whole year to actually be a mother on Mother's Day.  Well, my son had a special surprise for us.  My water broke at 7 am and at 3pm, he had arrived and I got to be a bonafide Mommy :)

My Mother's Day gifts: my babies (the BEST gift) and some lovely preschool artwork that I will proudly hang in my cube:

Top: Artwork and kiddos playing with water balloons & sidewalk chalk (why they're both looking down)
Bottom: "Flowers" from V and sibling love

We ate a dim sum breakfast, Korean lunch, and a masterfully prepared dinner by my Mother (this lady floors me everyday with how amazing she is.  We are SO LUCKY to have her living with us!):

Top: Lo Mai Gai, Surf & Turf dinner cooked with love by my mother (rib eye, crab stuffed clam, lobster tail)
Middle: Siu Mai, Lobster Congee
Bottom: A gigantic Bibimbap wrap and Bibimbap bowl

I am so blessed to be a mother.  These 2 little beings are our everything <3

My favorite kiddo moments this year:
Upon talking about cowboys and cowgirls, V declares that I am neither.  I am "Cowmommy"

When he wants a hug, he says "I want to love you Mommy" and opens his arms wide

V asked for the remote and I asked him, "What do you say when you want something?"  Baby E jumps up and said, "Please!" (sounded more like PEAS), but we all cracked up.  We had no idea that she had learned that from watching us interact with V.

Related to the above, E also learned "cheese" at the same time.  Whenever I want to take a picture of her, I tell her to go over there and say "cheese".  She gets quite a kick out of it and is turning into quite a ham with the camera.

Whenever we watch Mickey Mouse Clubhouse (which is ALL the time), Mickey asks, "Would you like to come inside my clubhouse?"  To which E always responds with a emphatic "NO."  That's right, E, avoid those strangers!!

I hope everyone had a lovely Mother's Day!


  1. Happy (belated) Mother's Day to you, S!!

    I LOVE all your stories with your kids! So cute. The last one cracked me up, hahaha.

    I'm probably the only Chinese person who finds dim sum so so, but that lobster congee looks SO GOOD.

  2. What a sweet post and your babies are darling. Your day looked amazing gastronomically (LOBSTER congee? How does that taste?!) And your mother's homecooked dinner looks like it can rival any 5 star steak & seafood house.

  3. wow wht a lucky mum <3

    the stories are so adorable. thanks for sharing :)

    new follower <3

    xx Michelle

  4. happy belated mother's day! the kiddos are so adorable, they look like miniature versions of you and A. And wow you're mom looks like an amazing cook! so lucky!

  5. Happy Belated Mother's Day! Your kids are so adorable. Your mom is one amazing cook.

  6. Happy belated Mother's Day, S! Your kids are too cute! :)

    And your mom is an amazing cook...I am drooling.

  7. Looks like you had an amazing Mother's Day weekend! Your children are growing up so fast. I enjoyed reading your favourite kiddo moments. : ) All of the food you had look DELICIOUS! I love lobster congee! My boyfriend's parents are from Eastern Canada and always bring home a fresh batch of lobsters and we'd have a feast eating lobster-everything for a week.

  8. I really look up to all the blogger moms I see out there. Kids, jobs, and a blog? You guys are such inspirational women.

    7% Solution​

  9. Happy Mother's Day!!! Glad to hear that you enjoyed a fantastic one!

  10. your kids are so cute and the food looks delicious!

  11. Aww... Happy Mothers day to you too! Your kids are super cute! I gotto try the Siu Mai(I guess thats what it was, looks very similar) on sunday :) It was yumm.

  12. Love when you post about your kids! Lmao! at the Mickey Mouse clubhouse comment! My nephew is 1 year and 4 mos. and when asked, "What does Mickey say?" and he says "Hot dog"...that "hot dog, hot dog, hot diggity dog" song gets stuck in my head so much now.

    The food looks amazing!! Glad you had a great Mother's Day. :)

  13. so awesome S!! i love these stories about your kids. they are surrounded by so much love and good guidance from you and Mr. S. hope you had a wonderful mother's day! xo

  14. Happy late Mother's Day! You have the cutest kids ever! and the food pics is making me drool like crazy :)

  15. Your kids are adorable!!

  16. Aw, this post was so touching! Love that E arrived on Mother's Day just for you :). I cherished the Mother's Day craft that J has done for me too (with teacher's help too). Your day of food looked amazing! Awesome you could celebrate with your own mom too. Your V is such a ham!!! So cute! That upper right photo! Love it, Cowmommy! And awww, I want to love you Mommy.

  17. oh my gosh they are so adorable! and good manners, too ;) lol at being a cranky preggo lady! i'm sure i will be too, one day.

  18. happy mother's day to you! you have cute kids :) xx

    Letters To Juliet

  19. Your kids are SO cute!!

    And mother's day 2009 holds some memories for me.. I was due a day or two before with P, but he hadn't come yet, and I was just tired of being pregnant and wishing that I had a baby for mother's day. We went out to dinner with family and my uncle joked about not having a new baby in time for mother's day, and I just broke down at the huge dinner table and starting crying in front of everybody. So embarrassing.


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