Sunday, September 16, 2012

Happy 1st Birthday to Baby E!

Baby E turned 1 yesterday and I can't believe she has graduated to the "toddler" category.  Despite whatever my kids are supposed to be called, they will always be my "babies."  (Sorry twitter friends for the reiteration!)

What she's doing these days:
  • loves "dancing" and "singing" to Yo Gabba Gabba.  "Dancing" = some tushie wiggling and "singing" = some tuneless vocalizations :D
  • loves playing with her big brother
  • started walking a few weeks ago and it's adorable bc she has a duck-like waddle
  • is fascinated with iPhones and iPads.  I think we have a future Apple lover on our hands.
  • is sporting quite the little baby mullet, but I'm afraid if I cut it, her slight wavy curls will never come back.
  • Her favorite foods are tomatoes, lemons, and cucumbers.  I think I lucked out with a healthy eater this time!  Big brother gets spoiled by Grandma and is constantly asking for doughnuts, pizza, and chicken nuggets.
Anyhoo, Happy Birthday to my dear little girl!  We all love you so much and are ecstatic that you blessed our lives with your arrival.

Baby E @ 2 days

Baby E @ 1 month

Baby E @ 5 months

Baby E @ 11 months getting inspired by Cee and sporting the half tuck :)

Baby E today w/ big brother V

The Matchy-Matchy Family Pic
Guys in gingham + ties and gals in chevron + navy tops
(BTW, we do not have ONE photo that everyone is looking at the camera and smiling.  It's kind of comical.)

If you have kids, how do you like to celebrate their birthdays?  If you don't, what were your favorite birthday celebrations?


  1. She looks so much like you in the 2nd to last picture with her brother.

    I'm in love w/all the chevron you've been making lately.

    I'm loving these family photos too. I hope to see y'all soon!

  2. What an adorable family! No kids here, but my bro and I were born almost exactly four years apart... just one day different. So we always had our bday parties together and it was awesome!

  3. Awwww!! Happy birthday to E, she is SOOOO cute! You guys have such a good looking family! :)

  4. Adorable photos! I'm loving her little pigtails, so sweet!

  5. Awww your family photos are so cute!! Happy birthday little E :)

  6. What a beautiful family! Love the second to last picture (I can relate since I have an older brother). Happy birthday to E!

  7. CUTENESS OVERLOAD! I love the family photo at the end. : ) You make a beautiful family. Will you all be visiting Markham less often since you'll be moving farther from the border? : )

    1. Aww, thanks so much, Jessy! Yes, unfortunately Markham will be much too far to road-trip. We'll probably head to Vancouver instead. But if you find yourself in SF, let me know!

  8. Happy Birthday Baby E. Your family photo is so lovely - of course baby E's too!

  9. What a gorgeous family! Your kids are so adorable! Happy Birthday, Baby E!

  10. Happy Bday to your baby girl! She is truly adorable and precious. I love the pic where she's dressed like Cee! Lots of kisses and hugs for her! :)

    1. Thank you for your sweet words!! I still get a kick out of watching her sleep - so peaceful and cherubic :)

  11. sheila, you have the most adorable little kids. happy bday to little E! love the matchy matchy outfits!

  12. You're gorgeous and your family is beautiful - love the coordinated family portrait! But my favorite photo has to be baby E sporting the fashionable even as a toddler LOL!

  13. OMG, those are the most adorable photos ever! You have the most beautiful family. Congratulations on your little one's birthday.

    xo Jenny

  14. Happy first birthday E!!!!

    Your family is just beautiful, S; thank you for sharing these pictures with us :)

  15. Happy birthday to your little girl! You four make a gorgeous looking family; you should post more pictures because I can't stop admiring you and your pretty kiddos (don't adjust your creeper meter - I'm friendly; yes, I know how this comes off)

    I celebrate my birthday in the comfort of my family; we go out to a nice restaurant and I open my presents. That's how we've done it for the past 100 years and that's how I'm going to do it for the rest of my life. I'm a VERY low-key, low-people person.

    1. LOL - you always make me laugh, Anna! Thanks for your kind words! Your birthday celebrations sound very similar to mine except that my husband just asks me what I want so there's no surprise with the presents :)

  16. Happy Birthday to baby E! She is absolutely adorable and thanks for sharing your family portrait. You have such a lovely family and your kids are too cute for words :D. Hope your prep for your move is going well! xoxo, Phoebe :)

  17. Adorable!! SPG, i loved all the pics and my fav is the 2 little kids one! Love it!! Love the dress code and everyone looks so good.
    We just took the little girl to Aquarium on her first birthday and since she loves pony she had a pony party at one of the farm for the second with a few kids that she hangs out with and well third one you know what we did :-) Plus she also had a proper Birthday party again with the kids she hangs out with as the whole blowing the candle and cutting cake is a big thing at this age!!

  18. Happy Birthday to baby E. She is adorable. You have a beautiful family. I love how you coordinated all your outfits.

  19. Happy Birthday to E.! Your kids are so pretty!

  20. Reiterate away! I love, love these personal type of posts. You have such a gorgeous family, S! I lol-ed at everyone looking in different directions at the family photo. I think the candid-ness makes it even more special. Wonder what the kids were fascinated by over in the other direction? :)

    Thank you for sharing with us!

  21. Oh wow. Shes so cute. You have a beautiful family!

  22. Ahhh happy birthday to baby E!!! She is SO cute. Love that 11month picture. She is STYLIN! And the family photo is just beautiful. What a gorgeous family you have, love it.

    My little niece turned 1 about 2 months ago, and we literally had a 3 week long birthday party for her. And we took lots of pictures of her eating her first cupcake (frosting all over her face). It was crazy cute. :)

    xo, Yi-chia
    Always Maylee

  23. So adorable!! Happy birthday to baby E and congratulations on a beautiful family!

  24. ahhhh baby E is precious but so are you and your your family portrait style!!

  25. Ohmygosh SPG! You have a gorgeous family!! I love the matching chevron made those didn't you? Sorry I haven't been reading your blog but I'm catching up on it now! =)

    A Little Piece of Fashion and Beauty

  26. Happy birthday to your baby girl! :) Your family picture is adorable...I love that not everyone is looking. :) Absolutely loving the Cee inspiration. :)

  27. Happy first birthday! How cute is E wearing a Cee outfit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love the pearls! Oh, and GREAT family shots! Love the bokeh in the first! And LOVE all of your matchy outfits that are really complementary! Did you take these? So amazing!!! Love big bro's spiked hair!!! You look beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Thanks Lisa - you're too kind!

      There's no way I'd be able to take these! They are by a pro photographer by the name of Ross VanPelt :)

  28. aww she's adorable! And that's a great family photo btw, even if not everyone is looking at the camera. hehe.


  29. Happy Birthday to E! So freaking cute- I can't stand it. The family photo is adorable. Thanks for sharing :)

  30. cute :DD

  31. i think my cheeks are about to crack from smiling so much. you have the cutest kids! i love the matchy matchy outfits in the family picture. happiness is written all over your faces!

  32. Very cute pictures and beautiful family :)

  33. Hi Jennifer - thanks so much for your kind comment! Those kiddos are our everything :)

  34. awwwwwwwwww!!!! i can't believe i missed this post!!! OMGOSH the Cee inspired outfit reallyyy got me! she is soo adorable with those peals to pigtails. All her outfits are just so adorable! we need to have a lil play date :D Happy birthday baby E!!!

    When taking family pix, we seriously need someone to make weird noises to get K's attention. :D

  35. Soooo adorable! Happy Birthday Baby E!


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