Friday, July 6, 2012

Postpartum Fitness: Newbie Running

Today's post is atypical in 2 ways.  1 - It has nothing to do with DIY or shopping.  2 - This is a word-driven post rather than a picture-driven one.  Bear with me and I'll get you back to regularly scheduled programming on Sunday :)

The Postpartum Body
After my first pregnancy, the pounds and fat melted away rather easily.  At about 6 months postpartum, I was actually 10lbs under my pre pregnancy weight from breast milk production (burning ~500 calories a day).  Of course, once that stopped, my weight went back to normal at what I guess is it's state of equilibrium.

Fast forward to today.  I'm 9 months postpartum from my 2nd pregnancy and though my weight is at equilibrium state, my body, sadly, is not.  Frustrated, I did the one thing I've never really stuck with  before - I ran.

Getting Started
You must be thinking, "Big whoop, tons of people run. Why is it such a big deal that you started?"  Well, my friends, I am that special combination of a person who not only is crazy slow, but also hates running.  Yes, the gasp-y, out-of-breath, super sweaty person who can't catch her breath even at a 15+ minute pace.

I started slow.  My goal was to run as long as I could without taking walking breaks.  Why?  Given that I have "daikon legs", I didn't want to bulk them further with intense interval training (my brief track career in sprinting made my calves much bigger).  Plus, I tend to cheat at intervals.  Taking a few extra seconds at each break until I'm pretty much just walking the whole time.

On Day 1, I ran a whopping 0.25 miles and felt like I was going to throw up a lung.  Thankfully, each day got a little better and after 2 weeks of running everyday, I was running 2 miles followed by a 1 mile walking cool-down.  I was feeling good!  I lost an inch each in the tummy and hip area (excess water I'm sure, but still very motivating).

Getting Invested
At this point, I was feeling all athletic and proud so I started investing in my new sport.  By the way, I should note that I still hated running, but I loved the feeling of accomplishment afterwards.  I bought new shoes, a visor, and a modern fanny pack (hehe, never thought THAT was going to happen).

SPIbelt (buy here) holds my iPhone & keys
I love this thing!  Does not ride up or fall down. Can be easily concealed under my shirt if desired.

The shoes were a mistake.  Blinded by the sale signs, I purchased some Asics a 1/2 size too small (you should purchase running shoes a 1/2 size larger) than normal in hopes I could just stretch them out through enough wears.  At a $2 price tag (I had $30 in rewards), I just couldn't resist.  At first, they felt good as Asics cushioning really can't be beat, but then my wide feet, which got wider after pregnancy, started to run into the sides and cause some pain.  I tried a shoe-stretcher but I just couldn't get comfortable in them.

Getting Injured
When I thought buying new, more expensive shoes was the worst thing to happen, I strained my hip flexor.  I limped around the house for a few days and started to feel dejected.  I needed that post-workout high!  Every time I tried to run, a shooting pain in my hip would stop me.

I turned to low-impact activities like the elliptical (sooooo boring compared to running outside) and riding my bike.  To hopefully keep up the intensity of running, I followed the 2/3 rule from one of the running forums.  I would do 3 miles of low-impact activity to try to mimic my 2 miles of running.  It wasn't the same, but I kept telling myself I'd be back on the road soon.

Every few weeks, I would test out how running felt and would feel my hip tighten.  After 5 weeks, I went to physical therapy.  I learned some stretches and exercises that will hopefully strengthen my hip.  I tried to run again after an additional 2 weeks of PT + low impact exercises, but my hip acted up after 0.5 miles.  Hubby pointed me towards a running article in his issue of Mens' Health and suggested that my running posture was exacerbating things.  I'm apparently a heel-striker when I should be running on the balls of my feet.  New news to me!  Makes sense though if I think about animals adapted to running.

Forefoot Striking & Shuffling
I've been running with a forefoot strike for a month now and my hip only acts up every once in a while.  On a side note, I can't believe this strained hip flexor is still so sensitive after nearly 3 months!  My knees bug me every once in a while during runs, but if I shuffle, I find it goes away.  Changing my foot strike has made a huge difference, but it felt like starting from square 1 again in terms of slowly building up distance.  Forefoot striking places much more emphasis on my calves (fingers crossed that they do not bulk up from this!) and it took me 3 weeks to get back to running 2 miles continuously.  I've been running in a pair of decade-old Adidas sneakers and the sole flew off the other day.  At the moment, they are gorilla-glued back on, but I know I definitely need new shoes now.  My next "fitness" post will revolve around running shoe reviews.

And if you're wondering, the weight loss / body changes have plateaued.  My legs are toning up continuously, but that belly is staying put at the moment.  Must work through this stage!

I know that was one heck of a long (and boring) post.  If you've read this far, you deserve a big hug :)

For any runners out there, do you have any tips to share?  Shoes to recommend?  My eventual goal will be to run 3 continuous miles on a daily basis.  That way, I'll be 5K-ready for all of my company's races.


  1. No SPG, a big hug to YOU! ((HUGS)) I'm a horrible distance runner too and dreaded gym class in school when we had to run the mile. Heck, even the half mile had me sweating before I even started, lol. Glad to hear your progress is going well, even with slight bumps on the road. Keep up the good work!

    It's funny you mentioned Asics not working out for you. If I remember correctly, my cross-country running friends swear by Asics for wider feet. Perhaps it depends on the style? I'm an adidas girl, but mostly because I like their designs, haha.

    1. Aw, thanks Cee! *hugs and gives a pat on the back for good measure* Ugh, I had the same gym class woes! I was always the last to finish the mile, and even then, I would get physically ill from the exertion.

      The Asics issue is completely my fault. I should have never sized down, but that stupid bargain hunter in me demanded I give them a try :P I'm definitely still a big Asics fan - I just need to find the right pair!

  2. SPG, this is a great post! You should actually incorporate more fitness posts into the blog - it'll make you more accountable for your progress and motivate lazy slackers like me. I used to run long distances but bottom line is that I'm not a distance runner. If anything I've always been more comfortable as a sprinter (I explode in the 100m races but die if I need to keep moving any longer). At any rate, good for you for sticking with it - I know running is hardly an exciting sport but you put a lot of people to shame with this story.

    About the shoes, if you have wide feet and a low arch go for New Balance. If you have wide feet and a high arch go for Asics but never EVER buy running shoes too small. Never. It undoubtedly contributed to the hip problems. As for the plateau, shake it off with some light weight training. You WON'T bulk up from light weights; if anything they'll tone you back to college days.

    1. You're back! I hope you're doing well and all your studying is going smoothly! Thanks for the feedback on the fitness posts. I waffled back and forth on this post for weeks because it's out of this blog's scope. Finally, I figured a Friday post (when people are more focused on their weekend than my blog, haha) would be a good way to get this off my chest. Thank you also for the brand recs! I need to visit that orthotics machine to see what kind of arches I have. I think they are either normal or low.

  3. My husband gained about 15 lbs since last year due to his heavy travel schedule (no time for gym, eating fast food most of the time and my pregnancy doesn’t help him, either).

    You’ve seen him – he's not overweight by any means, just needs to be at his ideal weight. He finally decided to do something. For the past 3 weeks – he bikes. He goes for a 11-mile bike ride every single day at a fast pace. He lost 10 lbs during the first 2 weeks just like that.

    In addition, he eats more veggies and less carbs. When you're trying to lose weight, exercise is not the only factor. We own a treadmill and consider it invaluable. Treadmill running is boring. Biking is definitely more enjoyable. There is a 11-mile bike path from our house. That’s where he spends an hour each evening. I am sure I would have to join him to get rid of extra weight after pregnancy. Keep up the good work, S! You’ll get there in no time=)

    1. Oh Sydney, dieting is such a hard thing for me! I have such a love for food and carbs really top my list. I blame being Asian. Every meal revolves around rice or noodles and I love them :( I'm hoping (wishing? praying?) that by amping up running distance followed by running speed, I'll get to a less noticeable flab. :)

  4. I really enjoyed reading this post! I've started running also but sadly I have no real running tips to offer. I like Nike's because they have the Nike+ shoe that has a sensor that links to your iPod and it tracks the distance, pace, calories burned, etc. I also download books onto my iPod (free from the local library!) to listen to while I run so that makes it less tedious. I look forward to reading more about your progress!

    1. Thank you, Emme! I heart my Nike iPhone app! It really holds me accountable and makes me feel more motivated to push farther and farther. Great suggestion on the audio books! I need to try that!

  5. I once considered taking up running. I was going to do the Couch to 5k program, which teaches you how to start running by using intervals. It's a pretty awesome program in case you want to check it out. I ended up running a 5k about a year and a half ago and managed to run the whole way, which was my goal. Woohoo! Ultimately, though, I decided that Zumba was more my speed, so that's what I do now. I'm actually an instructor! :) Have a great weekend and good luck with the rest of your running goals.

    1. Thanks Diana! I've heard amazing things about Zumba, but I'm probably the most uncoordinated person in the world. I took a Tae-bo-esque class years ago and got called out by the instructor (in front of the whole class) that I was doing everything wrong. Mortifying!

  6. This is such an interesting post!
    I normally just browse blogs for the fashion pictures and I came across your blog …
    Saw that it was about running and I read on! And yes – I read it right through to the end! Word for word! 

    I'm not married and I don't have any children yet… but one thing that does worry me is the weight gain post-baby!
    You see, I am not naturally thin… I have to work hard to keep my weight under control.

    I would say, comfortably, that I am a runner. But rewind back about 8 years, I only ever stepped inside a gym to socialise!

    But 8 years ago, I went through a really bad breakup… and I needed to focus on something… so I decided to run!
    I was not a runner at all. But I started slow and worked my way through. Mostly it's mind over matter… I went from running for 10 mins to progressing to running a marathon!!

    Each time when I feel like stopping, I tell myself to slow down my pace a little and work my way back up. Good running tracks of songs that you love makes a different and also – running with a heart rate monitor would give you some sort of indication of how you are doing too!

    Change your running tracks every so often and buy some new running gears once in a while… it'll make you want to pick up those running trainers and go for a quick run!
    Well, that's what motivates me!

    Oh and also – I think of Nicole Sherzingers body too… that would normally give me some motivations. I will never look like that… but it's sometimes nice to hope!!

    Good luck with your running… you can do it! 

    1. Oh Ruthie, what an amazing story! Congratulations on all your progress - truly inspirational! Thank you so much for your words of encouragement and suggestions - I will definitely be taking them to heart :)

  7. I am glad you are seeing some results from running! Also really glad that hip injury got better! I agree with Anna...I would love to see some progress posts! :)

    Very interested in your running shoe reviews!

    1. Thanks Michelle! I've gone to my local running shoe store twice and each SA recommended something completely different. Neither fully meet my needs so I'm still on a search!

  8. This is a great post! I know how it feels wit the belly and all. I went through the exact same thing. while breast feeding, I had super tonned tummy and when I stopped didnt gain any weight but somehow the tummy just surfaced and is still with me. Not as bad it used to be though.

    I love zumba and power yoga. I do have the stamina to survive an hour of dancing but its power yoga which just beats the heck out of me. I realized how I have zero upper body and core strength. But Im getting there slowly and someday hope to do the postures without shaking like jelly :-)

    When my husband started running, he got this couch to 5k app and that helped him. Also running on the trail instead of concrete or road is better.

    1. It's always comforting know that another Mommy has gone through something similar! We have a Wii dancing game (no uncomfortable judgement from strangers / instructors, LOL) that I used to play with our son. It was fun! At the moment though, nothing gets me sweating more than a good run. I had no idea of the trail versus road! I mistakenly assumed that trail would be rougher because of the uneven surface.

  9. OMG good for you!! I (like you) am not a runner (or into any working out at all). Thankfully I've been able to stay slim but I constantly worry about what will happen after I have a baby!!! My bff had a baby last year and that girl became super woman afterwards. She started running a few months after and ran a half-marathon around 6 months after the birth of her son. While I admire her greatly, I constantly worry that I'm going to have to go to that level to look as amazing as she does to lose that baby weight. (BTW, I'm not pregnant and not planning on being anytime soon! haha, I just worry constantly!!). But I suppose we will see what happens! I always admire people like you who can start something like this and stick with it! :)

    P.S. I'm having an INTERNATIONAL $75 Shopbop giveaway on my blog, so don't forget to enter! :)

    A's Fashion Files
    $75 Shopbop Giveaway!

    1. Thanks Allison! Wow, your friend is a Super Woman! It's unlikely that I'll be in half-marathon shape for a VERY long time, LOL.

  10. Congrats on your running goals...and good luck!! I thought that I was the fattest petite blogger in petite blogging world, it didn't seem like anyone else had to exercise (at least not the girls in TO)! I totally understand what you're going through. I was a bit plumper when I move from US back to Canada a couple of years ago, I was really reluctant to take up running but in the end it was one of my cheapest and most flexible exercising options, and did I mention I hate exercise?! For a long time I could only jog 1 mile (i know really pathetic!!). But last year I ran my first 3 mi run and this year my first 6 mi (I was motivated to do it b/c there was a shopping gift card included)! So it definitely takes time...Now I always encourage younger friends to take up running earlier, its hard to pick up at this older age!

    Anyways..I think one of the ways I got past the plateaus was doing other types of exercises (which is the concept of P90X), I started weight training and was dropping pounds really fast, plus it made my legs stronger too. I'm trying to get back into yoga more this summer too. Getting injured totally sucks, I'm currently dealing with a hamstring injury (from dance) but had to hold off on the running for the past month or so. However, I still feel like I'm in the best physical shape of my life now!

    The post wasn't boring! I enjoyed it! Let me know how your progress goes! Btw I need new shoes too (I wear my mom's cross trainers and they're terrible and heavy), post if you find good ones! Also, buying new clothes from Lululemon motivates me to exercise..hahahaha!!

    1. Thanks Lor! Congrats on your running accomplishments!! 6 miles is a considerable distance!

      Sigh. When I was younger, everything was so much easier! I didn't really work out much and I ate anything / everything, but still maintained a slim figure. I think if I had always been like this, I'd be pretty happy with how things are. It's knowing that I have changed SO much that makes me want to kick my butt into gear.

  11. the only main exercise i really do is walking, but i should probably escalate that to running, haha! ;)

    <3, Mimi
    Want a summer scarf? Enter to win a $20 ScarvesDotNet Gift Certificate!

    1. Walking is good too! Better than what I used to do (nothing) :)

  12. thanks for this post! i HATE running but you've inspired me to not write it off just yet.

    1. Hang in there! I still don't like running, but making distance progress and the general post-workout high are great!

  13. I am 9 months postpartum and I still have a little bit of 'belly.' I did not have that after my first baby. I snapped back like I had never been pregnant in the first place. I really really hate running too but I am starting to get desperate at this point! I can't seem to shed that extra layer. I'm glad to hear that it worked for you. I may have to try it....


    Fashion and Beauty Finds

    1. Hi Amy! I agree! Seemed so much easier to bounce back after my first child! I also have the extra layer problem and I'm hoping with some time / amping up the running, it will one day melt away. Fingers crossed! Good luck with everything!

  14. I live in Colorado - marathon country for everyone but me!! I highly recommend getting a free gait test at a reputable running store. Every person needs different types of shoes depending on their gaits. It'll help prevent injuries. And stretch fir at least 10 minutes before AND after a run...and rest a day in between each run or do low impact exercise on those days. Couch to 10 k is a great app also.

    1. Hi Caroline! Thank you for the great suggestions! I've been to my local running store twice with vastly different recommendations from both SAs. One said I needed a wide width shoe with stability. The other said I need a normal width, neutral shoe. Neither shoe is working for me so I'm a little perplexed. Based on the reviews and recs from Runners World, it sounds like maybe Asics Kayano or Nimbus might be good fits.

  15. I'm actually eleven and a half weeks pregnant now and I have been a runner for the past six or so years, so this post was pretty interesting to me. I'm interested (and worried!) to see how this getting back into shape thing will go after he or she is actually here, but I plan to continue running and have the go ahead from my doc to run all the way through the pregnancy.

    Congrats for getting started! I know I hated it when I first began but I run six days a week indoors (and outdoors when the weather cooperates) and if I take a day off I never feel quite right the whole day. I've found that Nike Lunar Glide work the best for me (and I've probably gone through twenty pairs of running shoes by now). They're very lightweight and have great arch support (and I have pretty bad arches, so finding this shoe was a lifesaver). I don't know how they will work on wider feet, as mine are normal width, but I'd at least go and try a few pairs on to see how they feel. I hate to say it, but it's worth spending money on a good running shoe. I've gone the cheap route too and learned quickly that it's not worth the knee and foot pain. I agree with Caroline- find the shoe that works best for you and feels comfortable. Take a few laps around the store if you need to! Good Luck!

    1. Congratulations on your pregnancy! Wishing you a happy and healthy 9 months :) I have a friend who ran through both of her pregnancies and is doing well so you're definitely in good company.

      I learned my lesson on improper shoes! Price is no longer a concern - especially now that I've experienced injury.

  16. goodness, do i hate running. congrats though!! its really hard to stick to it. im not getting in as many workouts as i'd like. i'm definitely an indoor workout person, and my sites have been so far away from the gym! i like to shop while i'm working out, lol. for me, food choices and portions were a much harder lifestyle change than working out. i even did the 4am workouts, which will soon be starting again. yuck. hopefully those joints stop acting up! you could always try a month of yoga or pilates to see if that helps strengthen the belly! i always feel so good after those classes

    1. Thanks Amber! I agree - food choices are a huge weakness for me! The only time I was able to stick to a diet was when I had gestational diabetes. I tried pilates a long time ago and really enjoyed it - I need to go back and check it out again.

  17. spg, i told you i'm training for a 5k right? my friends laugh but i am one of the least athletic lazy ppl i know. right nowi 'm @ 2.5mi.

    i dont easily injure. though i haven't tried too many sports, but usually i dont strain any muscles or experience cramps (not even on my period). hahahahah

    yay for you!

    i'm doing the cool running training and particular like the intervals. i can't self train. i like a guide.

    they have a 10 k guide too. i want to get to a 10 k and eventually down the long long road, i really want to run a whole marathon before i get pregnant.

    1. That's awesome! Very envious about not being easily injured! Keep me posted on your 5k progress! I wish I had started running when I was younger. I think that would have helped acclimate my body before my old joints had time to act up :D

  18. Congrats! Now if only I could motivate myself to run again.

    1. Thanks Joy! Motivation can be rough. It took me a very long time before I really felt like I needed to do something.

  19. SPG, you are so amazing! i admire your drive to do this! this was so informative and useful! great great read! xox P

    1. Aww, thanks so much, P! It's been a bumpy road, but I'm determined to stick with it :)

  20. I really hate running- and working out- and sweating in general :) But I wish you lots of luck! My fiance loves running and he always says that the perfect shoes are the beginning point of it all.

    1. Haha, I agree on all your points! I just really want my old body back! :)

  21. Thank you! I was born in Hong Kong, but grew up in the midwest :)

  22. I'm 5 feet tall, with thick legs and wide feet (since my son was born, too) and I love to run! I made myself a runner though, through pain and persistence. You can totally do it too- it gives such a great sense of accomplishment- I ran 8 miles yesterday just because I could. My favorite shoes for my wide little feet are the nike air pegasus +28. They are online at DSW, come in wide, and have the nike+ option. Definitely order a half size up. Good luck- running is wonderful!

    1. So inspiring to hear about you kept up with running! Sometimes I feel like throwing in the towel, but out of all the exercises I've done before, I feel like running makes the biggest difference. After going through 3 shoes, I ultimately went with Asics Gel Nimbus 14 in wide - very comfy, though I get a little soreness on the balls of my feet.

  23. Keep on running :) sounds like a lot of effort but you can totally do it! I tried to start running but failed miserably haha so maybe these posts will motivate me to get back out there :)

    1. Thanks Katherine! It can be hard to keep motivated, but I just keep thinking about how good I feel afterwards :)

  24. I can't run. I mean, I'm just as bad as you are when you started. I can't figure out how to breathe while I run. I'm trying other forms of exercise now but I definitely feel like I still need my cardio.

    1. It gets better! I started increasing distance little by little going very slowly (almost like a walking pace, but bouncing up and down). Eventually, you'll reach your distance goal and then can start working on speed - good luck!

  25. I feel you girl! I hate running, but it feels so good afterwards. Maybe try working out with your husband? I know working out with my boyfriend helps me. Only because when I want to stop running he always encourages me and tells me I can do it, and that I can keep running. And one thing that also might help is to think that it's really more mental than physical. So if you tell yourself you can keep running, you can do it. Good luck girl!

    A Petite Treat

    1. Thanks Jenn! I run with my husband on the weekends and it definitely helps! Seems to fly by much more quickly :)

  26. I'm sorry you had to go through an injury, SPG! Make sure to stretch and warm up (a 5 minute walk should do it) before starting, and cool-down with another walk. That is a big part of staving off injuries. My journey with running started in my last year of college. I was really mad one day, and got on the treadmill. Before that day, I hadn't been able to run more than 2 blocks without feeling breathless and sick. That day, I ran 2 miles in 20 minutes. The next day, I tried to do it again. And again, and again. I became a running fanatic. Running is my me time. I love to run alone, without competition.
    I have found the most critical part of running motivation has to do with music. I love taking the same route and listening to the same songs so I can know exactly where I am in terms of miles without having to look at the pedometer, but do change your mix every so often to avoid getting bored. I can share mine with you if you wish!
    I swear by Adidas Supernova shoes (love the Sequence though the Glide are great too) and have never gotten an injury running in them (I did in my Nikes though). Treat yourself to a piece or 2 of running gear every month to keep motivated (just like shopping fo clothes, yes?) The best investment you can ever make, after shoes of course, is a pair (or a million!) of Balega running socks. They make a HUGE difference.
    Ok, that was a mouthful and probably more advice than you wanted. But the reality is, if I can do it, anybody can, trust me! Here's to hoping for some fun, injury-free running!

    1. Thank you so much for taking the time to offer your personal experience and tips! Very helpful! I've been good about stretching, but I really need to incorporate a warm-up. I just get so excited and have so much energy, that I typically start out too quickly. I also just recently added some music to my run and the time goes by much more quickly :)

  27. Good luck on the running. I run with specially constructed ortho inserts I got with my health insurance. It may be worth a call to your health insurer to see if you can get covered under your plan.

    1. Ooh, thanks Kathleen! I'll have to check on that.

  28. You're talking to someone who detests running as much as you do. I used to compete in tracks and martial arts so my training consisted of - you guessed it, running. HATED every minute of it. I've taken to walking but I have terrible self discipline!! I'm beyond impressed at how long you stuck at it despite not liking it. I probably wouldn't have last 5 minutes!

    1. Thank you! The feeling afterwards (as long as it's not injury-related, haha) is fantastic and really keeps me going. I've never been the healthiest person so this change makes me feel good about myself :)

  29. Kudos for keeping up with your exercises even with your injuries. I enjoyed this post very much. I have always taken it for granted that I could eat whatever I want and not gain a pound. However all that changed when I turn thirty. Running is not easy thing for me. I can’t run a block without huffing, puffing and gasp- y for breath. Kinda of sad huh. I really need to build up my stamina.
    A few years ago my husband decided that it was time for him to lose weight. He research and found that the best way for him to lose the weight and slim down was to excise and keep track of his calories. He had an app on his Iphone which he recorded everything. He records all the foods he ate along with the calories per food, the types of exercises and how long he did for the day. My husband exercise routine was walked for 15 mins in the morning, run for 30mins in the noon, walked for 15 mins in the afternoon and if he had time. He will run or walk for 30 in the evening. The weight loss was slow but he was able to lose a pound per week. Because my husband was losing the weight slowly I didn’t notice the difference until one day my husband decided to wear one of his old short and asked me if the short looked ok with a belt on. The short was so huge on him. Picture a five year boy who decided to wear his daddy short. That pretty much what it look like. LOL. If you like I can mail the picture before and after.
    Good luck, keep up the good work and don’t give up.

    1. I was just like you! Before babies, I was Jean-sized. I don't feel like I'm fat, per se. I would just like to return to "normal" if possible.

      Thank you for sharing your husband's story with me - that is certainly inspirational!

  30. You are so great with your exercises. I tried to run so many times and am not running yet. I walk, and play wii fit. That's it. My walking distance is increasing little by little though. I've had my legs and ankles injured in my youth so probably need professional advice when I really wanna start running. (I cannot bike more than 15 min!)

    1. I used to love playing Wii! It's harder with little ones underfoot though :D I hope you figure out a way to do your activities without pain - maybe try physical therapy?

  31. I hate all forms of exercise..let it be running, walking, aerobics. I hate them all but i know i have to do something i dislike for the sake of good health and toned/ firm abs. I am way overdue in getting rid of extra baby fat from 3 years ago after first pregnancy. I opt for an indoor workout routine that mainly targets core areas plus a bit of cadio because the heatwave where i live is intolerable, i would certainly pass out after 5 mins outside.

    Good luck with your goal.

    1. Thanks Nelah! I really need to incorporate some core exercises - I think that in addition to running would really whip my butt :)

  32. Inspiring! And looking forward to hearing more about your progress with health and wellness!

  33. Hats off to you! I can hardly get myself on the elliptical each morning much less than run...LOL

    1. Thanks Annie! I had no idea you did that every morning - such commitment!

  34. Isn't nursing wonderful? :) It took me a few months to lose all my weight from my first kid, but after a year of nursing, I was 10 lbs lighter than my "normal" weight and I actually had boobs for once. After I stopped I went right back to where I was before.

    I really should start to run again, too. I am just so scared to start up because I'm going to be just like you, totally out of breath after a quarter mile! But I'm glad to hear that you were able to build up endurance, but sucks about getting hurt. Good luck with your goal!

    1. Thanks Kimmie! I take such comfort in nursing / burning calories this way. Maybe too much, because then I eat some unhealthy foods :P It took me 6 months after E was born before I felt like exercising - you still have time! Plus, you already look pre-baby to me :)

  35. I also hate running but have started to on the treadmill. The thing with running is that I have to keep it off otherwise it's hard to get back on track. Anyways, cool fanny pack! It's great to be carrying around your stuff. And great that you got some PT and advice on your running stride. Hope it helps! And good luck training for that 5K. It's great to have a goal! No advice for you since I'm a horrible runner ;).

    1. Thanks Lisa! I definitely agree about keeping at it. When I had to stop, I felt like I was getting weaker and weaker. I hated that my "break" was going to put me back at square 1 when I returned.

  36. I just linked to your site from Jean's and wanted to encourage you (I'm 32 and have 4 kids... 4th was born this April). 3 miles is quite the accomplishment! What determination you have! I am in the same boat, as far as running goes but I have been doing 2 minutes of walking and 2 minutes of running on a huge incline on my treadmill. In addition to excercise I'd check out Dr Oz's website and lookup "belly fat" and weight loss for some helpful tips (I just read some recently that were insightful). I also drink green smoothies in place of breakfast or lunch or I eat salad. Jillian Michael's book Master your Metabolism is also a helpful read.
    I tell myself two things 1) Pain (not your hip pain but the pain of doing pushups and stomach crunches is weakness leaving the body). 2) Every little bit helps, something is better than just being sedentary 3) You just made a little human in your body, you are amazing already!!

    1. Thanks so much for your thoughtful comment! Congratulations on your most recent family addition!

      I am definitely going to look up the belly fat tips from Dr. Oz - sounds intriguing! :)


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