Sunday, October 2, 2011

The Story of Baby Girl

Playing the waiting game towards the end of my pregnancy seemed like it dragged on forever but now that it's over - it seems like it all happened so fast!  The fastest part was actually my labor.  Late in the afternoon on 9/15, I felt a hard kick similar to what happened right before my water broke with my son.  I called my husband to come home just in case and he took me to the hospital.  Baby Girl must have known that we had arrived because before we could even get to labor and delivery, she was born right in the hospital elevator!  I'm glad my instincts kicked in to tell me to "catch" my own baby because it took another 5-10 minutes afterwards to get medical assistance.  All of this happened during the course of 1 hour!!  For reference, labor with my son was 8 hours so I was thinking Baby Girl would take 4-5 hours (typically half the time of your first pregnancy).

Aside from a little jaundice and being a bit cold, my little peanut was nice and healthy - weighing in at 6 lbs, 15 oz and measuring 19.5" long.  She is now a little over 2 weeks old and I got to break confinement briefly yesterday to get some newborn portraits taken.  Here are 2 of my favorites:

Thanks again to everyone for all the kind comments!  I've been trying to sneak in some blog loving time here and there so I'm still sporadic but I love seeing everyone's posts :)


  1. That's amazing!!! Baby Girl looks beautiful (and intelligent! How is that even possible??? Maybe it's the knowing smile?)! I shared your story with my husband and my mom and they were in awe as much as I was. Congrats again!

  2. So much hair! I'm glad labor wasn't that bad (I CANNOT imagine eight hours). Take some time off to yourself. Hope everyone's adjusting to the new family addition!

  3. omg that is quick!! so glad you listened to your instinct and everything went well. your baby girl is so beautiful and love her outfit of course. did you make that cute little pink dress?

  4. wow, birth in a hospital elevator!! i'm amazed at how quickly it went (so much better than 8 hours!). these pictures are absolutely adorable and congratulations again!

    cute & little

  5. these pictures are beautiful! im glad to hear you're recovering :) what a story!!

  6. wow! a mom knows. good intuition. she's totally precious. congrats again :)

  7. Wow, what a way to end 'dragging on forever'! She came out in style and flair :)

    Was there a lot of pain with this labor? My mom said that my sister, who was also born within an hour, was an almost completely painless birth. I Just like to compare notes :D

    Again, it's fantastic to hear that you and Mini SPG are recovering so well. The pictures are simply fantastic - I can already tell purple is her color. How long before coming home? (if I understand this correctly?)

    P.S - I didn't take that photo; it's Shabby Apple's stock picture :P

  8. Congrats SPG! She is gorgeous! What an exciting birth story you will have to tell for years!

  9. waah! you caught the baby wooshing out of you in the elevator! That's crazy-amazing! Glad the labor/pain was at least short! Hmm, did you crochet that purple outfit for her? so cute!!!

  10. omg CONGRATS! This would be such a great story to tell your beautiful daughter in the future. : ) What is her name? :D

  11. She is beautiful. Oh my gosh. So precious and little. <3

    That's crazy that you gave birth in the elevator! Wow, that will make a very interesting story to tell your daughter lol.

    I'm happy for you!

    XoXo, Bree
    Tweet me: Viva_La_Breee

  12. she is so precious! congrats! i'm glad you and baby are both doing well.

  13. Mother's instinct!! Amazing birthing story and all in an hour! wow! Hope you are recovering well and getting enough rest. Your little girl is soo adorable! What have you named her?

  14. 1 hour?? She really wanted to come to this world!!!
    She lloks adorable in these pictures! I am soooo happy for you!

  15. Those pics are so adorable! What a quick labour and I'm glad to see your instincts kicked in :)

    Congratulations again on such a beautiful baby :)

  16. Oh my goodness! What a story! Baby girl just couldn't wait any longer! Congrats again on a beautiful, healthy baby girl, and enjoy! :)

  17. AWWWW YOUR BABY GIRL IS SO PRECIOUS. Sending you virtual hugs, so happy to hear that both you and the baby are well. :)

  18. Awwww look at that full head of hair!! Baby girl is absolutely precious! I love how you dressed her up in your favorite color for the photoshoot :) I hope your confinement and rest of maternity leave is going well!

  19. She is just simply beautiful! I am glad you and baby girl are both doing well. Take care!

  20. Congratulations!! So glad the both of you are healthy!

    That will be a fun story for her to hear when she is older!

    Can't wait to see more pictures!

  21. She sure was ready to make her entrance!! Congratulations again - hope everyone is doing well :)

  22. Wow, that is the most epic pregnancy story ever!!! This will be such a fun and unique story to tell!! And, the best part is - that it sounded relatively painless???! (Hopefully!) :D Anyway, she does look lovely, and I can't help but notice her cute little outfit! That lavender color is one of my favorite colors! Yay! Congrats! Looking forward to more updates! Get some good rest too!

  23. precious! I can't get over the gorgeous pics!!! And what a story! Motherly instincts...amazing!!!! HUGE congrats to you SPG! So happy baby and you are healthy and doing great!

  24. OMG! What an awesome story of catching your own baby in the hospital elevator. Congrats again on the new little one.

  25. OMG she is adorable! Big congrats to you and your family. Wow I am super jealous of your fast delivery. My first one was 23 hours and my second one was 10. I might get faster and faster but I didn't want to take anymore chances ;) Can't wait to see more pictures of your angel!

  26. Oh, what a story! I am glad she's here and she's so beautiful. Look at that hair. Those pics melted my heart.


  27. She is so beautiful. I love her hair!! What a cutie.
    Twitter: @GlamKitten88

  28. Awww the baby is just adorable, I love her little purple outfit, and she looks so peaceful! Oh WOW...1 hour, that is a quick delivery. My poor mom sustained 32 hrs of labor when she had me and my brother took 18. Ahhhh I am scared to have kids!

  29. Sorry for the late congrats, I must have missed this post while I was busy working towards a deadline. What a story! I'm glad mother and baby are both well. The baby girl is really cute. Thank you for sharing. And I'm loving your post-baby pictures. :)

  30. What a pretty little girl! So happy she arrived safe and sound!

  31. oh wow, she was born in the elevator?! her birth is definitely memorable, she is gonna have one hell of a story to tell everyone when she's all grown up. congratulations! :D

    <3, Mimi
    Stages of Beauty Giveaway :)

  32. Congrats spg!!! Baby girl is adorable and beautiful!! :)

    Wow what a story to tell...born in the elevator...I've only seen stories like this on TV!!

    Glad to hear you're doing well!


  33. GAH she is ADORABLE!!!!! And your birth story gave me shivers, that's crazy!!! I'm so glad you are both doing well :)

  34. omg soooo cute love the pics:)like to follow each other dear:)kisses La Folie 

  35. Congrats! What a lovely labor!!! I hope my first goes by quickly. Patiently waiting... only 7 more weeks!


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