Thursday, October 13, 2011

Triple Row Leather Bracelet DIY Video Tutorial

I received a reader request on how to create a multi-row beaded leather bracelet similar to the tutorial for the Leather Wrap Bracelet here.  The instructions are similar with just a few modifications - see below for materials and video.

What I used (materials can be purchased at most hobby stores like Michael's):
  • 40 inches of 1 mm leather cord
  • Beads 
  • Size D Nymo thread
  • Beading needle (personally I use a floss threader because I like that it's flexible without getting warped in the beading process - also any size thread will fit easily in the loop)
  • Beading glue (I use super glue because the bead glue I have turns white and crusty when dry)
  • Button with 2+ holes (needs to fit 2 mm cord, look for spare buttons around the house)

Questions?  Just leave it in the comments and I'll get back to you :)

Sunday, October 2, 2011

The Story of Baby Girl

Playing the waiting game towards the end of my pregnancy seemed like it dragged on forever but now that it's over - it seems like it all happened so fast!  The fastest part was actually my labor.  Late in the afternoon on 9/15, I felt a hard kick similar to what happened right before my water broke with my son.  I called my husband to come home just in case and he took me to the hospital.  Baby Girl must have known that we had arrived because before we could even get to labor and delivery, she was born right in the hospital elevator!  I'm glad my instincts kicked in to tell me to "catch" my own baby because it took another 5-10 minutes afterwards to get medical assistance.  All of this happened during the course of 1 hour!!  For reference, labor with my son was 8 hours so I was thinking Baby Girl would take 4-5 hours (typically half the time of your first pregnancy).

Aside from a little jaundice and being a bit cold, my little peanut was nice and healthy - weighing in at 6 lbs, 15 oz and measuring 19.5" long.  She is now a little over 2 weeks old and I got to break confinement briefly yesterday to get some newborn portraits taken.  Here are 2 of my favorites:

Thanks again to everyone for all the kind comments!  I've been trying to sneak in some blog loving time here and there so I'm still sporadic but I love seeing everyone's posts :)