Monday, September 19, 2011

Baby Girl is Here!

As you've probably figured out, the lack of posts has been because Baby Girl arrived on Thursday!  Details to follow (like how I delivered my own baby - but not graphic details!) but we're back home from the hospital and everyone is doing well.  I have a couple of posts that I never had a chance to schedule that will get published.  Meanwhile, as I get settled in with our new arrival, please bear with me as I go on maternity hiatus :)

Much love to everyone and will return soon!


  1. OMG congratulations!!!!!!! Hope you are doing well and cannot wait to hear more and see pictures (if you're comfortable). I'm so happy for your family, this is so exciting!

  2. Yay! Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!! Hoping mom and baby are doing well. Take good care & we'll see you soon :)

  3. Congrats! How exciting. I hope everything went smoothly! I'm sure you're crazy busy now, but I'll be looking forward to hearing details!!

  4. Congrats SPG on your new bundle of joy!!! I had an inkling she was due sometime last week, hehe. I'm glad to hear that everything went smoothly. Take care of yourself and your family and I look forward to your posts soon :)

  5. OMG..Congrats, SPG! I am glad to hear that everything went well. I can't wait to "meet" your little angel =) Take care!

  6. Congrats!!! Hope to see pics soon! Thought ur lil baby was coming :) hope u and baby are well

  7. Congratulations SPG on your new family addition! :)

    Wishing you all the best <3

  8. Congratulations! Enjoy your time off with your new love;)
    Aesthetic Lounge

  9. You're not on Twitter (yet), but Elaine, Kileen and Elle were buzzin with the good news and got me super excited! Can't wait to hear / see more details after you've settled in with the new little one. Congrats! Hope your little boy enjoys being a big bro!

  10. AWEEEEEEEEEEEE Yaaaaaaaaaaaay!!!!! So so so excited and happy for you!!!! I can't wait to for posts about your new baby girl! So glad you are doing well and baby is here!!!!!! :D

  11. Congrats on a healthy delivery. I hope you take a well deserved break.

  12. OMG!!! congrats! i hope you are resting and had a wonderful deliver :)

  13. girl, congratulations! I Hope you are having a good rest! Can't wait to see the girl. Congrats again, my dear. ;)

  14. YAY!! Congratulations! I'm super excited and happy for you and your family. Thank you for documenting this journey with us!

  15. Well, I guess a congratulations is in order. Enjoy the new addition to your family!

  16. Congratulations!! Cant wait to meet your bundle of joy and to hear your birthing story! Hope you are getting enough sleep. Will definitely miss your posts and cant wait for you to get back. Until then relax and enjoy your new baby. HUGS!

  17. Congrats!!! Have a wonderful maternity leave! So exciting!! :)

  18. oh my goodness!!! yay, congratulations!!! i can't wait to see your new baby girl! :)

    <3, Mimi
    $25 Apothica Gift Card Giveaway :)

  19. Congrats!! Can't wait to see your little belle :)

  20. congratulations! welcome to mommy-hood

  21. Yay, congrats!!! Can't wait to see your little one!! And, I definitely don't mind graphic details! In fact, the more the better, so I can get an idea of what it will be like in the future! *Scared* *_*

  22. Congratulations on the arrival of baby girl! Looking forward to your updates. Rest well and enjoy these precious fleeting moments!

  23. Congrats on your new little one! Can't wait to hear all about it and to see more of your DIY when you return :)

  24. Congratulations of your little one! I can't wait for updates. Get a good rest and wish you a super quick recovery!

  25. Great to hear from you! I hope you and your family are doing well. I still can't wait to hear the story about how you delivered mini SPG; I hope you come back to updating soon! BTW, what's your girl's name? I don't believe you ever mentioned that :)

  26. Congratulations!!! I am so excited for you and your family and yes in our culture, I am 100% Chinese from Taiwan there is post natal month practice. The you can't leave the house for a month after the baby has been delivered. So glad your mom is helping you out and yes, I do see a future in crochet collars for sale on Etsy! Your mom sounds like mine, sew, cook, crochet and fabulous cook?? How come I didn't inherit any of these skills? So glad to hear from you and can't wait to meet your new baby :D

  27. Congrats on the bebe!!! I thought I had commented earlier, but looks like it didn't go through--so happy for you and your family! Hope you're getting rest when you can ;). Is it easier the second time around???

  28. Yay Congrats on baby girl's arrival. Enjoy your time with her :).

    Can't wait to hear details.



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